“Damnoen Saduak” Floating Market is one of the most popular floating markets in Thailand

Where is located in Ratchaburi Province – Southwest of Bangkok with 1.30 – 2 hours drive from Bangkok, approximately distance of 90 Km.‘Damnoen’ means easy. ‘Saduak’ means the journey.

The canal was built on the royal initiative as King Rama IV of Thailand wanted to link the Mae Klong River with Chinese river ways to support transportation and trade.

It took over 2 years to dig with 32 kilometers long

It is opened half day morning from 7.30 am – 2pm. (open every days)


What you can experience in market?

Damnoen Saduak Floating Market consists of a maze of narrow canals. Female traders, often wearing traditional mo hom apparel (blue farmers’ shirts) with straw hats use sampans (small wooden boats) to sell their wares, often produce that comes directly from farms.

The Floating Market where you can do all activities on the boat such as buy, sell, eat and cook on the boat.You will see many boat vendors cook their local foods or sell many things on the paddle boat such as fresh coconut water, delicious coconut ice cream, mango with sticky rice, noodles, tropical fruits, Pad Thai, Mango Sticky Rice, Boat Noodles, and etc. . Don’t forget to take back home a souvenir of this vivacious floating market.

A great way to engage with the locals and pick up on their culture and lifestyle.